Be Mine - Dozen Rose Bouquet
A dozen full Red Panther long stem roses, arranged in a BIG bouquet with greenery and filler flower. Variegated red and hot pink roses. (Wrapping may vary to photo)
Foliage may differ due to availability. Local delivery or pick up available.
A dozen full Red Panther long stem roses, arranged in a BIG bouquet with greenery and filler flower. Variegated red and hot pink roses. (Wrapping may vary to photo)
Foliage may differ due to availability. Local delivery or pick up available.
A dozen full Red Panther long stem roses, arranged in a BIG bouquet with greenery and filler flower. Variegated red and hot pink roses. (Wrapping may vary to photo)
Foliage may differ due to availability. Local delivery or pick up available.