One & Only - Half Dozen Rose Bouquet


Half dozen full Red Panther long stem roses. Variegated red and hot pink roses (rose colours may differ from image). Wrapped with greenery and babies breath, the perfect way to say ‘I love you’ for Valentine’s Day!

Foliage may differ due to availability. Local delivery or pick up available.

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Half dozen full Red Panther long stem roses. Variegated red and hot pink roses (rose colours may differ from image). Wrapped with greenery and babies breath, the perfect way to say ‘I love you’ for Valentine’s Day!

Foliage may differ due to availability. Local delivery or pick up available.

Half dozen full Red Panther long stem roses. Variegated red and hot pink roses (rose colours may differ from image). Wrapped with greenery and babies breath, the perfect way to say ‘I love you’ for Valentine’s Day!

Foliage may differ due to availability. Local delivery or pick up available.

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